Monday, March 24, 2014


I have had plans to build a high-end PC system for quite some time. Now I finally got around to it, and in this blog I share some experience from the build. The blog will start with the list of components I selected, followed by the actual build experience. The last piece for will be the result, with pictures and benchmarks. I hope it can be useful for some readers.

I need to point out that this is the very first time I actually build a PC. Thus, the blog is likely to include some trial and error in the procedure. After all, we learn from our mistakes right?

The first thing I needed to determine is what I was going to use the system for. The trend today is all about mobility and networking. Small portable devices that are all connected to each other. I'm fine with that trend (and I also enjoy it), but I have always preferred to have a centralized powerhouse with a big monitor in front of me. This is where I store all my digital content, do some video editing, play games and so on. With this in mind my criteria for this build was:
- High end components
- Plenty of space for upgrades and add-ons
- Future proof (at least for the next few years) in terms of interfaces and connections
Note that the publish date for this blog is 2014, but the actual date for the build was March 2012.